A little disappointed

February 8, 2012
In the site, in what hasn't happened in my life so far, and in... myself, I guess. Constantly trying to be better, sometimes I take a step back or do something, even something very little, that makes it seem as though I've made no progress at all. To top it off, my circumstances are preventing me from doing many useful things that I want to do, and I guess I'm just tired of it. Perhaps that's why I'm feeling tired more often lately...

My goal...

February 2, 2012
...Is to save up enough money to go to Australia, and see my pretty beautiful love, whom I call Beauty. We are so alike, in both the good and bad ways, and it's amazing, but being together physically would be even more amazing. To get to her (To visit, for now) is something that I am aiming for, and I'm hoping that this site aids me in that particular goal. Beauty is the inspiration for some of my poems, and I really do like writing poetry when it's for her. She is lovely and wonderful and be...
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Not sure where to start

February 1, 2012
So, I decided that instead of posting my poetry on the forums, I'd do it on this blog. I'll probably also post other stuff. Maybe even important events in my day-to-day life! Nearly like a diary, except I put more personal stuff in there.

So, not sure what else to put for now... Umm, I am a very romantic person usually, and that applies to the girl I'm in love with. Wrote on my hand "I love ____" (her name's in the underline) for school. 

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Who am I?

Peace loving, a Romantic, intense, intelligent, a poet, and oh-so-poor.

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